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Our department has very successful and engaged alumni who give back to the department in many ways. Our students benefit from many tremendous endowed scholarships which are listed below. Please contact Jeff Dyck, physics department chair, for more information on these scholarships and how to apply.

Lawrence J. Monville, S.J., Scholarship (at least $1,000/year) – incoming freshmen with high academic achievement are eligible; together with the Hodous Scholarship, this helps to support 10-15 students per year

Click here to apply for the Monville Scholarship.

Edward J. Hodous, S.J., Scholarship (at least $1,000/year) – current students with high academic achievement are eligible; together with the Monville Scholarship, this helps to support 10-15 students per year.

Xavier-Nichols Scholarship (currently $5,000/year)– supports a female student majoring in our department each year.

Nolan Scholarship (currently $2,500/year) – supports a high achieving student with demonstrated financial need each year.

Dardy Scholarship (currently $5,000/year) – supports two high achieving STEM students per year, with preference given to physics majors.

Departmental Awards

2019    Troy Nemeth
2018    Matthew McGreal
2017     Brendan S. Brown    
2016    Spencer Furin  
2015    Brad Doughty, Gage Marek 
             Silas I. Ifeanyi 
             Antonio F. Dempsey    
2014    Thomas Sauer
2013    Brian Washburne
2012    John McElroy
2011    Vince DeGeorge
2010    Ben Curatolo, Vince DeGeorge
2009    Ben Curatolo, Brett Hernandez
2008    Stefanie Marotta
2007    Nicole Schafer
2006    Leah Austin
2005    Donald Moore
2004    Timothy Mitchell
2003    Leia M. Fanelli
2002    Robert E. Butera, Adam C. Kempton
2001    Julie L. Zeigler
2000    Gerald M. Sabin, James R. Potashnik
1999    Nathan P. Samblanet
1997    Ian J. Daum
1996    Ernest J. Petti, Stephen J. Potashnik 
1995    Jason E. Neal
1994    Marcelo C. Gonzalez, Shanna M. Stephany
1993    Angela R. Harivel
1992    Lucy J. Ameling
1991    Tim Kulbago
1990    Scott McCormick
1989    Gregory Coghlan, Patrick Leong
1988    Margaret Eastman
1987    Susan Hoffert
1986    Mary Milkovich
1985    Joseph Szente
1984    R. Michael Ritchey
1983    Michael R. Kusner
1982    John F. Huddleston
1981    Richard D. Soltis
1980    Thomas P. Reiker
1979    Thomas D. East
1978    Robert J. Hauenstein
2019    Ricardo MongeNeria
2018    Alexandra Montesano
2017    John W. Cenker
             Brian A. Holler
             Spencer C. Furin
2016    Christopher Wrenn
2015    Thomas Sauer
2014    Marc Carbone, Brian Washburne
2013    Katherine Duncan-Chamberlin, John McElroy
2011    Katie Knox
2010    Diego Hernandez,
             Marie Pinti
2009    Matt Bowers,
             Mike Wolf
2008    Nicole Schafer
2007    Leah N. Austin
2005    Timothy Mitchell, John Cesaratto
2004    Michael Rupinksy
2003    Robert E. Butera
             Brian D. Jennings
             Adam C. Kempton
2002    Morgan W. Shaffer
             Julie L. Zeigler
2001    Gerald M. Sabin
1998    Ian J. Daum
1997    Stephen J. Potashnick
1996    Jason E. Neal
1994    Angela R. Harrivel
1993    Thomas L. Davenport
1992    Tim Kulbago
1991    John P. Cornely
1990    Mary Anne Hrusch
1989    Valerie Finan
1988    Thomas Laurence
1986    Mark Wolanski
1985    Jeffrey West
1984    David Kubinski
1983    William R. Miller
1982    Richard E. Soltis
1981    Thomas P. Rieker
1980    Cynthia L. Bilchak
1979    Robert J. Hauenstein
1978    Charles W. Allen
1977    Gary S. Chulick
1976    Michael P. Satyshur
1975    Brian D. Hunt
1974    Lynn A. Blyth
1973    Barbara Nash
1972    Nancy Jean More
1970    Richard W. Nopper
1968    John M. Washick
1967    Gilbert T. Feke
2019   Matthew Keresman - B.S. 1983
2018   Joseph Nieberding - B.S. 1966
2017   Angela Straight B.S. 1994, M.S. 1996
2016   Dr. Edward Carome  Emeritus Faculty – B.S. 1951, M.S. 1951
2014  James Flock    B.S. 1999
2013  Jon Goldsby    B.S. 1986
2011   Karl West    MS 2005
2010   Joseph J. Marencik    BS 1990
2009   Joseph W. Haus    BS1971, MS 1972
2008   Christopher J. Richards    BS 1992, MS 1994
2007   John P. Cornely    BS 1991
2006   Donald D. Dossa    BS 1972, MS 1974
2005   Mary Beth Gotti    BS 1974, MS 1976, MBA 1992
2004   Timothy Kulbago    BS 1992
2003  James P. DiSiena    BS 1977
2002  Emmanuel M. Carreira    MS 1966
2001  Harry C. Nash    BS 1950, MS 1951
2000  Margaret L. Tuma    BS 1988, MS 1990
1999  Lawrence J. Badar    BS 1951
1998  Richard E. Soltis    BS 1982
1996  Henry D. Dardy    MS 1964
1995  Carl E. Walz    MS 1979
1993   John M. Washick    MS 1970
1992   Ronald G. Reifenberger    BS 1970
1991   Stanley R. Burlage    BS 1958, MS 1959
1990   John M. Davenport    BS 1968
1989   Noel A. Clark BS 1963, MS 1965
1988   Lyle A. Pauer MS 1965
1985  Thomas B. Lewis BS 1960
1984  Joseph G. Bellian BS 1960
            Harold J. Murphy BS 1958, MS 1959
1983   Donald E. Schuele BS 1956, MS 1957
1982   Walter E. Smith  BS 1958
            Paul A. Fleury BS 1960, MS 1962